17 Dec. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website and a Weather Station Update:
  • Updated code on the Haines Fire Weather Index page as the WFAS-MAPS adjusted their link for the map image.
  • Corrected some minor Title heading border errors for proper display of Title Borders on all pages.
  • Further adjusted and completed getting FaceBook and Twitter code to play together and now all three pages are updating.
08 Dec. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:
  • Updated code on the Mobile Advisory page, off the CELL / PDA link, to give more detail and better formatting.
  • Still working on attempting to get Twitter and FaceBook notifications working properly. Conditions page working fine, the Forecast and Alert pages still need work.
12 Dec. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website and a Weather Station Update:
  • Updated code on the Mobile Advisory page to supply additional advisory detail and better formatting.
  • Completed getting FaceBook and Twitter code to play together and now both are updating.
08 Dec. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:
  • Updated code on the Mobile Advisory page, off the CELL / PDA link, to give more detail and better formatting.
  • Still working on attempting to get Twitter and FaceBook notifications working properly. Conditions page working fine, the Forecast and Alert pages still need work.
30 Nov. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website and a Weather Station Update:
  • Corrected a few minor glitches on the Mobile Pages.
  • Rain gauge or the Thermo-Hygro Sensor still being flaky. Am researching purchasing either a replacement (s) or a new Station.
  • Updated scripts for Weather alerting.
  • We now have a FaceBook presence but auto posting to the "Wall" needs work.
  • Working on attempting to get Twitter and FaceBook notifications working properly.
21 Feb. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website and a Weather Station Update:
  • Added an improved CELL / PDA interface. This interface is more pleasing to look at, faster loading and allows for faster and more accurate updating. It is linked off the CELL / PDA menu choice.
  • Anemometer unthawed thanks to recent warming trend. All wind related readings should now be accurate.
08 Feb. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website and a Weather Station Update:
  • Added a WebCam so we now have a live feed of the actual conditions outside at the actual location of the weather station. Images are updated and uploaded to the site every 10 minutes. You can view the web cam on the front page, below all weather data and just above the large radar.
  • Anemometer is still packed with snow and ice thus is currently frozen. Wind readings and direction are affected and all currently showing "calm" when in reality there is air moving. We are about to receive another dose of Old Man Winter, thus delaying the thawing process. We apologize but... one does not dictate weather!
  • Added a new feature: Added a Weather Watch, Warning Advisory Archive Library. We will archive all issuances from the National Weather Service for future reference. You May access this feature by clicking on Forecast and Advisories Tab then Archives.
07 Feb. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website plus Weather Station Update:
  • Due to the most recent heavy winter storm just experienced from 05 Feb 2010 through 06 Feb. 2010 (received 16" total snowfall plus additional .5" ice coating) our Anemometer has been packed with snow and ice thus is currently frozen. Wind readings and direction are affected and all currently showing "calm" when in reality there is air moving. Once the snow and ice clears itself wind readings should resume as normal.
  • Upgraded the NWS County Zones Warning feed to newer script version (v4.13) for added codes and readability on both the front page as well as the individual county pages.
02 Feb. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:
  • Completely revamped and redesigned the Daily Detail Reports, including the Temperature and Rain Detail pages.
  • Added a Daily Wind Detail Report to site located under the Almanac/Daily reports.
  • Corrected some additional minor code errors on the latest Dashboard coding.
  • Added front page advisory codes for all K3JAE's Weather Station reportable County Zones, so any county we watch will be notified if there is an active Advisories, Watches or Warnings in their area. This prevent those from having to go deeper into the site to see if any active alerts are present. Now you also have the ability to click on your specific warning area for the actual NWS text.
21 Jan. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:
  • Wired side of Station went bad. No signal coming in from the hard line. May need to replace wire when weather warms. Currently will be running via wireless. Wireless data will be a bit slower to update.
  • Upgraded the NOAA Advisories/Alerts/Warnings "Advisory Page" script for upcoming NOAA alert feeds to version 4.11. This is a more streamlined version allowing faster updates than prior code. Functionality is the same as previous previous allowing for easier to read advisories as well as more complete & timely information.
  • Corrected some minor code errors on the latest Dashboard coding.
21 Jan. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:
  • Added relevant help boxes to headings on the Dashboard (index.php). You can access each help box by clicking on the icon.
  • Cleaned up and incorporated another major code upgrade to the Dashboard. Cleaned up some areas that were not converting over to the metric system. A few still remain that will need additional coding and will be implemented as soon as coding has been tested.
  • Added a Station Temperature & Precipitation Trend page accessible by the "Almanac/Station Rain/Temp Trends" menu tab.
  • Changed the Thermometer image on the Dashboard to a gradient look.
  • Added 12-month Temperature Trend data to the Dashboard
  • Added 12-month Precipitation Trend data to the Dashboard
17 Jan. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:
  • Removed "cloud" background image from dashboard (front page) for easier reading as well as to allow for proper rendering while using the Firefox web browser.
  • A major code upgrade to the Dashboard. Installed the ability for our foreign visitors or anyone else interested to see all information in metric values.
  • Removed the Amber Alert code from top of index page due to consistently faulty code that interfered with this site as well as auto-updates.
11 Jan. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:
  • Changed the Thermometer image on the front page, to a color graduated image based on temperature.
  • A new NWS Watches, Warnings and Advisories placefile (overlay) is being tested (currently in ßeta) to highlight counties using data for counties, zones and Latitude/Longitude areas on the GRLevel3 Radar page. This new placefile supersedes the previous one used and includes any and all NWS Watches, Warnings and Advisories year-around.
  • Updated the Cloud Height script to latest version (2.0) on the Index page.
  • NWS Watches, Warnings and Advisories legend color chart added to the GRLevel3 Radar page.
03 Jan. 2010: Made the following enhancements to the Website:

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Interesting Weather Facts
Humidity or relative humidity measures the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the temperature. It is important in weather because humidity affects how humans feel. A hot, humid day feels hotter because we cannot sweat as effectively. A cool, dry day feels colder because moisture evaporates more easily.