Report for Year 2025
Data Last Updated: 2/4/2025 @ 4:50 PM

 Daily DetailMonthly SummarySeasonal Summary 

 Heating Degree Days
2025---42.7* 183.7 heating degree days less than the February average.------------------------------42.7* 1459 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2024883.1  410.0 183.6 heating degree days more than the February average.271.5  120.7  ------------------------1685.3* 183.6 heating degree days more than the yearly average.
2023------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2022------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2021------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2020------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2019------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2018------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2017------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2016------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2015------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2014------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2013------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
2012------------------------------------0.0* 1501.7 heating degree days less than the yearly average.
Maximum883.1 410.0 271.5 120.7 ------------------------1685.3
Average883.1 226.4 271.5 120.7 ------------------------1501.7
Minimum883.1 42.7 271.5 120.7 ------------------------0.0
 Cooling Degree Days
2025---0.0* 3.4 cooling degree days less than the February average.------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
20240.0  6.7 3.3 cooling degree days more than the February average.13.7  89.4  ------------------------109.8* 3.3 cooling degree days more than the yearly average.
2023------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2022------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2021------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2020------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2019------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2018------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2017------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2016------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2015------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2014------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2013------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
2012------------------------------------0.0* 106.5 cooling degree days less than the yearly average.
Maximum0.0 6.7 13.7 89.4 ------------------------109.8
Average0.0 3.4 13.7 89.4 ------------------------106.5
Minimum0.0 0.0 13.7 89.4 ------------------------0.0
* Denotes incomplete data for the month/year.Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.
Color Key
≤ 0 0 - 100 100 - 200 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 600 600 - 700 700 - 800 800 - 900 900 - 1000≥ 1000

A Degree Day is a unit of measurement equal to a difference of one degree between the mean outdoor temperature and a reference temperature (65°F). Degree Days are used in estimating the energy needed for heating or cooling a building on any given day.